Newsletter: 7th March 2025
Wow! What a busy first week back. We hope that everyone enjoys reading about our learning adventures this week. 7th-March-2025.pdf
Wow! What a busy first week back. We hope that everyone enjoys reading about our learning adventures this week. 7th-March-2025.pdf
Following enquiries from parents of those in Year 2, Xplore have agreed to lower the age limit for their Sums in Science sessions that run every Monday after school. There are still 4 more sessions to deliver, the next one will be all about Colour Changing Chemicals! If you want to take part, all you … Read more
Would it please be possible for children in Year 3 to come to school in forest school/outdoor clothes tomorrow. They will also need suitable footwear. Apologies for the short notice Many thanks Mrs Halley
Today the children were treated to another new dish, minced beef with veg, mashed potato and gravy. Yum!
The children are enjoying trying all our new meals that Amie is cooking. Today we have a vegetarian sausage casserole served with sweetcorn, jacket potato/rice.
Despite continued requests , we are still seeing parents ignore these and attempt to access tower view and the staff car park. This morning we witnessed a child getting out of the car and moving the barriers, children running unsupervised across the staff car park and parents parking blocking entrances on Tower View. We understand … Read more
Just a quick reminder that this Thursday is World Book Day. Everyone is invited to dress as their favourite book character or to come in their pjs with their favourite bedtime story!
The new menu is a hit with the children! Thank you to Amie our cook for offering all the children a sample of Oriental Vegetables with Quorn, in a Sweet & Sour sauce. Have a chat with your children to see what they thought!
Unfortunately the catering dept haven’t been able to find anyone to cover breakfast club tomorrow so we won’t be able to give breakfasts out again. We will, however, still remain open for childcare for the usual timings. Please make sure children attending have already had something to eat before they arrive.
Don’t forget the Xplore team will be here today to deliver their Sums in Science session which this week will focus on Wonderful Water! We hope to see you later after school. If you want to take part, the sessions are open to those who have children in years 3-6 and all you have to … Read more
Further to our earlier message, we have been informed that Parent Pay is now back up and running to order this week’s lunches.
This week’s running club will be TUESDAY after school. We are hoping to be joined by representatives from Active Wrexham, Run Wales and the Daily Mile who want to see your amazing running. The club is open to all pupils, staff and family members and, with the weather looking lovely on Tuesday, it would be … Read more
?Dear parents/carers, Due to a shortage of relief catering staff, we might be unable to offer free breakfast on Monday 3rd March. However, child care will still be available from 07:50 am as normal. Hopefully catering should have sorted this out for Tuesday. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. We hope you … Read more
Dear parents/carers, Due to a shortage of relief catering staff, we might be unable to offer free breakfast on Monday 3rd March. However, child care will still be available from 07:50 am as normal. Hopefully catering should have sorted this out for Tuesday. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. We hope you all … Read more
Unfortunately the school meals service havent yet updated ParentPay with the new menu so there’s no way yet to book meals for your child. Please keep checking as they are hoping to rectify this over the weekend.
Thinking ahead to our Year 4/5 residential trip to PGL…. The list attached gives details of what the children should pack to bring just in case people are thinking about getting prepared nice and early. Please note that a sleeping bag/duvet is on the list as this isn’t included (sheets are, just not the top … Read more
Its World Book Day on Thursday 6th March! We would like to invite all of the children to either dress up as their favourite book character or to wear their PJs to school and bring their favourite book to share.
In March this year we are organising a shared exhibition answering the question ‘what makes Wales Special?’ and linking to the theme ‘Wrexham in 100 objects’. We would like to invite all children to bring one item each relating to the theme Wrexham in 100 objects with the aim of getting families talking about their … Read more
Our final newsletter of the half term. Enjoy reading about our learning this week! 21st-February-25.pdf
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