Newsletter: 12th July 2024

  A very successful sporting week for our Year 5 and 6 pupils!  Da iawn pawb!  Read all about it in this week’s news 12th-July-24.pdf

Newsletter: 21st June

  It’s been another busy week and we hope you enjoy reading all about it in this week’s news.  We are looking forward to our day moving up to our new classes next week- it’s that time of year again! Information about class organisation for next year is in the newsletter this week.  Have a … Read more

Newsletter: 7th June

  Last week’s newsletter!  Another busy and eventful week.  This week is also jam packed- let’s hope we have some sunshine too!  7th-June.pdf

Newsletter: Friday 17th May

  Read this week’s newsletter to find out about our upcoming non-uniform day in aid of ‘Unbeatable Eva’ as well as what we’ve been busy doing this week.  There are also links to the videos of our choir performance with Fron Male Voice Choir too!  Another very busy week!  17th-May.pdf

Newsletter: Friday 26th April

     We hope that you enjoy reading this week’s newsletter.  This week you will find some additional information included giving an insight into some of the key questions/concepts that children will be learning about in their classes. We hope that you enjoy reading about them.  Have a lovely weekend!  26th-April.pdf

Newsletter: Friday 12th April

  We are pleased to be ending the week with some sunshine- especially after such a wet start to the Summer term, earlier this week.  We hope that everyone enjoys reading about what we have been busy doing this week. Have a lovely weekend!  12th-April.pptx

Newsletter: Friday 15th March

  We hope you are having a lovely weekend.  Read all about our learning adventures this week in our weekly news! Friday-15th-March.pdf