You must inform the School of any health/medical conditions that your child has developed whether long-term or short-term, including infections. Medication should only be in school when absolutely essential and it must be prescribed by a doctor/nurse. Unfortunately, staff aren’t permitted to give children any medicines that have been brought from home such as Calpol/Ibuprofen.
Parents must complete a medication consent form from the office or by clicking the link. For safety, children are not allowed their own supply of medicines. Medicine that is prescribed for use 3 times a day or less will not be given in school as the recommended dosage can be taken before and after school.
All medicine should be in its original container as dispensed by a pharmacist and include the prescribed instructions for administration. Medicine brought to the school by parents daily must be collected at the end of the day.
In some instances, should a child require paracetamol whilst at school, parental consent by phone will be sought.