Breakfast Club is open to all pupils at Ysgol Acrefair and runs from 7:50 am daily. A selection of healthy foods are served.
Children can enjoy a healthy breakfast whilst socialising in a safe, fun environment.
Children must be registered before they can attend; forms are available from school.
07:50 to 08:20 – £3 per child for non-free school meals / 50p for free school meals
08:20 to 08:40 – Free to all (note that 08:30 is the cut-off time for admission into the club)
Please note that we are not able to admit any children after 8:30am as we are busy helping the children who are attending to tidy up, go to the toilet and be ready and well prepared to go to their respective classrooms at 8:40am.
Children go straight into their classrooms from breakfast club at 8:40am where they are supervised by their class teacher.