Our School Development Plan is formulated as part of the school’s self-evaluation procedures.
It is developed following consultation and feedback from staff, pupils, governors, parents and wider stakeholders. This is achieved via questionnaires, informal conversations, parental meeting feedback, meetings, forms, INSET days, School Council /pupil voice and professional discussions.
Priorities within the school development plan are agreed from a variety of monitoring exercises, considering National and Local priorities. These priorities are closely aligned with the Headteacher’s performance management, staff performance management, school budget and school data. This ensures that there are clear links between self-evaluation processes and the school development plan to ensure school improvement.
The progress of the plan is reported in the Headteacher’s Report to Governors, and to parents within school newsletters. The plan is then reviewed at regular intervals and an end of year evaluation of the plan is available. The Governing body and all staff have access to the plan, and the main priorities are shared with the pupils in School Council/pupil voice meetings.
School Development Plan 2024-25
Please click the link below to access the School Development Plan for the current academic year as well as an evaluation of the progress made towards previous priorities.