Playtimes improvements – wish list

Dear Parents, 
Following requests by the school council we are going to make some improvements to our playtimes. We are going to purchase some new equipment, toys and games etc and sheds for storage, from our fund-raising activities over the last year. 
Good news! We have finally been able to move back into the undercover area of our playground. Mr Roberts has done a great job of clearing out all the old posts and cutting back the plants. 
The children have said that they would like to have a cozy area for reading, playing board games  and an area to sit  with their friends if they want to have some quiet time during playtime. 
We are wondering whether anyone has some garden sofas, cable reels, wooden shelving, wooden crates, outdoor rugs etc either for sale or looking for a new home? 
Please contact the school office if you can help. 
Many thanks