Christmas Concert Tickets

The children have been busy practicing for their concerts and are very excited for next week!  Tickets go on sale tomorrow morning from your class teachers or from the office.  Due to space restrictions, we have to limit each family to two tickets each per performance.  We may be able to release more later in the week depending on how many are sold.  
Here are the all-important dates and timings:
Year 1 and 2 will be performing at 2pm and 5.30pm on Tuesday 10th December.
Nursery and Reception will be bursting into action at 9:30am on Wednesday 11th December, and again at 9:30am on Thursday 12th December.
Tickets are available at £3 each which includes entry into our raffle with some fantastic gifts available!
Our junior classes have their carol concert on Monday 16th December at 6pm at St Mary’s Church, Ruabon.