We have been approached by The Unbeatable Eva Foundation, a local charity set up in memory of Eva Williams who battled a rare cancer until she sadly passed away aged just 10 years. The family have set up the charity to raise money into medical research into Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) which is an extremely rare type of cancer which primarily affects children under the age of 10, and for which there is currently no cure.
Over the past few years, Eva’s family have worked with several schools in the Wrexham area as part of their fundraising activity, and would like to now expand this to create an ‘Unbeatable Eva Day’, which will run annually. They are asking for as many schools to take part as possible and we are proud to be one of those schools. On 23rd May (the final day prior to half-term) we are holding a non-uniform day and will ask for donations that we can put towards this worthy cause.
The Unbeatable Eva Foundation | Facebook
DIPG Charity | The Unbeatable Eva Foundation
Carol Slapa Trustee | The Unbeatable Eva Foundation REG CHARITY NO -1193368 +44 (0) 7751 040 537