Children have a habit of growing and this means that many of us have good quality uniforms at home that our children are no longer able to fit in!  Instead of throwing these away, could you help our Uniform Swap Shop? 
This scheme was set up by Year 6 pupils two years ago as part of their ‘Leavers Legacy’.  The idea was to help save the planet (see the information below) whilst at the same time helping families to save some cash! 
How it works…. You donate uniforms that are still good quality and could be reused by another family.  Please make sure that they are clean before bringing them into school.  We pass them on to families who have requested them. 
To request uniform please use the link below: 
Click here to place an order

Donations should be brought into school before the final week of term.  We will then send uniforms home in the final week. 
Of course, this is only a request- we can only send home what we have but we will do our best to help as many people as we can.

We’ve had some wonderful feedback about this scheme and would love as many people as possible to get involved. 
Thank you for your support.

Did you know….?
Reusing and recycling school uniforms could help prevent hundreds of tonnes of plastic going to landfill, according to a new survey.

It found that up to 1.4 million school uniforms, many of which could be reused, are thrown away every year. And because many of the garments contain high levels of polyester, that equates to around 350 tonnes of plastic.