World Book Day

  World Book Day takes place on Thursday 7th March.  Children are invited to wear costumes of their favourite book character, or they can wear pyjamas and bring their favourite book.  We are looking forward to completing lots of book and story themed activities next week too and will share these via Seesaw and Twitter. 

Friday 1st March

This Friday is our St David’s Day assembly and children are invited to wear green, white and/or red clothing. They may also wear football kits of Welsh football teams or rugby teams.  The entries to the eisteddfod are looking beautiful and Criw Cymraeg are looking forward to judging them this week. 

Extra-Curricular clubs this week.

Wednesday – Year 5/6 football – 3:15 – 4:15. Please bring a change of clothes to wear for after school. Thursday – Year 5/6 netball – 3:15 – 4. Children may wish to bring their PE kits to change into. Friday – Year 3 and 4 tennis. 1 – 1.30. 

Weekly Newsletter!

    We hope that you enjoy catching up on what we have been learning this week!  Have a lovely weekend everyone.  Friday-23rd-February-2.pdf

Your school needs YOU!

  At a time when our school budget has been drastically slashed, we have never needed your help as much as we do now!   We are reaching out to you to ask if you would be interested in offering some of your time and ideas into setting up a PTA.  We are the only school in … Read more

After-School Club Bookings – w/c 26th February AND Easter Holiday Club

Here’s the link for next week   The new system seems to working well for everyone but just a quick note that if your child is poorly and off school, please inform Kerry Matthews or the space will be kept open and you may be charged. Kerry’s email is: or you can comment on … Read more

URGENT – Please read

   We are aware that some schools are having problems with random text messages being sent out regarding absence. Rest assured, all the children who are expected in Acrefair today are here so please don’t worry if you receive a message.  We will always make a telephone call to you should your child be absent … Read more

Police Schools Officer Petition

  As you will be aware from previous posts, we were shocked to learn that Welsh Government have ceased funding for the visits of our local Schools Police Officer from April to save £2m a year.  School Beat Cymru allowed for 68 school Police Officers across Wales’ four forces to deliver lessons on substance abuse, … Read more

Booking link for next week

  We have had a positive reaction to our new booking-in system for After School Club, many thanks for your co-operation. Here’s the link for next week.  Just a quick note that if your child is poorly and off school, please inform Kerry Matthews or the space will be kept open and you may be … Read more

Glan Llyn

Year 4 have just arrived back from a very wet Glan Llyn. Despite the rain, they have had lots of fun and made lots of fantastic memories with their friends.  A huge thank you to the year 4 pupils for their positive attitude throughout the trip and to the staff for supporting them on the … Read more

New ‘MyHappyMind ‘app for parents

  As you are probably aware, we are using the My Happy Mind’ scheme across the whole school.  There is now a new version of the parent app with lots of new features. The app will help support your child with their wellbeing and mental health and is a very useful free tool .  Please … Read more

ParentPay again

  School Meals Service have told us there was an update to their software recently which may have contributed to issues on ParentPay.  They have asked that if you can check your account and re-book if necessary as it should now be working. Can we ask that any issues with the app be reported via … Read more

Girl Guides Thinking Day this week

  Bore da! We are happy to support Girlguiding Cymru and welcome any members to wear their uniform on Thursday 22nd February as part of their Thinking Day.  For those not involved in the organisation, they have sent us the attached to give more information on their special day. ThinkingdaylettertoYsgol-Acrefair-1.docx

Congratulations to our Graduates!

       Huge Congratulations to pupils in Dosbarth Eryr who graduated from Children’s University today! During the past 6 months they have completed a number of extra curricular learning, volunteering and sporting activities enabling them to reach the required about of hours needed to complete their University project.  During the day, and throughout the … Read more

Football club returns

  Year 5 and 6 football club will return on Wednesday, 28th Feb. This will take place after school on the school field finishing at 4:15.  I will run a year 3 and 4 football club in the summer term.  Diolch. 

After school club booking system for next week

Don’t forget to use the following link to book places for After School Club for next week.  Space is limited and we may not be able to accommodate last minute bookings. 1. All bookings are to be made by 9am each Monday for the week ahead. 2. We require 24 hours’ notice of any … Read more

Are you bored already?!

Here are a few things to do over half term: Children can eat FREE at these venues: Enjoy the week!

FREE Welsh Language Learning Programme

Do you want to brush up on your Welsh?  Would you like to be able to speak Welsh with your children?  Clwb Cwtsh are offering a FREE Welsh taster programme focussed on speaking Welsh with young children and is aimed at parents to be, parents/carers, members of the extended family.  Learners won’t need any Welsh … Read more


     Have a lovely half term everyone!  Friday-9th-February.pdf


Diddy Dragons have introduced a new system for booking children into the after school club.  Please use the attached form for w/c 19th February (the week we return after the half-term holiday).  Bookings via email and Facebook will not monitored. Additionally, we have made the following changes that will help us plan staffing levels and … Read more