Friday’s Panto – Important

We’re counting down the days until Friday.  Not only is it our Panto but it’s also our last full week at school before Christmas!
Apologies for having to send this to all our contacts, but there are still 29 children that haven’t yet returned permission slips for them to attend.  This is really important as we can’t take any children without your permission and don’t want anyone to miss out (plus it would take Mrs Antrobus a very long time to get verbal permission on the phone from everyone!).
An email, message left on the phone or message to Seesaw will do, we know you’re all really busy at this time of year.
If you know your child will not be attending for whatever reason, please can you let us know so that we can leave on time on Friday.  There won’t be any staff left at school to supervise anyone that is late or forgets about the panto!