The Green Team!

Our wonderful Eco Team today questioned about the environmental impact of our coffee morning tomorrow- would we be using plastic cups and recycling waste?
They made a fabulous suggestion and asked that we request that as many people as possible bring along their own reusable cups rather than us using disposable ones. You can bring your own thermos cup/mug or your favourite cup from home should you wish to- either way, doing this will help keep waste and our environmental impact to a minimum.
Fantastic idea Green Team! Well done! 
Also, thank you for all of the donations that were sent in today- we are so lucky that our school community help us in ensuring the success of events such as the coffee morning. 
We hope to see lots of people on the morning (along with their cups!)- join us via the side entrance (by breakfast club), from 9:15am- pay what you can afford for a coffee, a cake and a catch up! 
There will be a raffle and other competitions too. 
See you tomorrow!