Strep A & Sickness

We’re on the final stretch with only 2 more get-ups before we close.  We would kindly ask that if you have a child that is feeling poorly, please can they stay home.  Cases of Strep A have multiplied in our school, along with a sickness bug.   With it being so close to Christmas we want everyone to be well enough to enjoy this special time, including our staff and their families.
Local chemists are carrying out swabbing for Strep A for ages 6 upwards.  Please take your child if they show any symptoms.  If your child has been sick or has an upset stomach, it is county policy that they stay away from school for 48 after the last bout of sickness/diarrhoea.  
Details of both can be found below.

Thanks so much for your understanding.  Sending our best wishes for those that are currently poorly.