Diddy Dragons Holiday Club February Half Term 2024

  We are hoping to run Holiday Club this February half term but only if we have sufficient numbers. To avoid disappointment please ensure you have filled out and sent back the attached form by Monday 5th February 2024. We will not be taking further bookings after this date. If we are unable to run due to insufficient … Read more

Funeral of Mr John Beckett

    Over the Christmas holiday we gave you the very sad news of the passing of our previous caretaker and friend, Mr John Beckett. Some of our staff will be attending Mr Beckett’s funeral tomorrow and his family have requested for donations to be split between two charities – The British Heart Foundation, and … Read more

Does your child have a sore throat?

  We have confirmed cases of Strep A at our school once again.  In most children, symptoms are: flu-like symptoms, such as a high temperature, swollen glands or an aching body  sore throat (strep throat or tonsillitis)  a rash that feels rough, like sandpaper (scarlet fever)  scabs and sores (impetigo)  pain and swelling (cellulitis)  severe muscle … Read more


  We hope you enjoy catching up on this week’s news!  Friday-19th-January.pdf

NHS advice for common ailments

  There are lots of poorly children at the moment and although it’s the season to have coughs & colds we’re giving you links to some of the infections that are doing the rounds.  Please don’t hesitate to contact your GP or pharmacist if you have any concerns about the health of your children. COVID-19 … Read more

Exciting News!

  We have some exciting news for you!  We are joining forces with our very good friends from the Fron Male Voice Choir to do a fundraising event in the spring to raise money to enable us to have a our very own defibrillator at our school.  Defibrillators have the potential to save the lives … Read more

Home school agreement – PDF version

Dear parents/carers. We have recently reviewed our ‘Home School Agreement’ and felt that it was a bit out of date and didn’t reflect Ysgol Acrefair in 2024. We are currently developing a new agreement and I have attached a draft  for you to look over. We value your views and input highly and would like your … Read more

Diddy Dragons Holiday Club – February Half Term 2024

We are hoping to run Holiday Club this February half term but only if we have sufficient numbers. To avoid disappointment please ensure you have filled out and sent back the attached form by Monday 5th February 2024. We will not be taking further bookings after this date. If we are unable to run due to … Read more


We’ve had a fun and productive week and hope you enjoy reading all about it!  Have a lovely weekend pawb!  Friday-12th-January.pdf

Attendance matters

Its been lovely seeing everyone back in school after the holidays.  There are still a few nasty bugs about though . This week’s attendance is a follows: Reception – 93% Year 1 – 87% Year 2 – 90% Year 3 – 93% Year 4 – 90% Year 5 – 94% Year 6 – 88% Whole … Read more

Polite request

Just a quick reminder that the area to the left opposite the terrace houses on Tower View is private land that belongs to the businesses on the main road.  Unfortunately the owner of one of the shops had to block a vehicle in earlier as they needed to open up for a customer.    We … Read more

Year 4 Glan Llyn

There will be an after school drop-in session for any parents wishing to discuss Glan Llyn on Wednesday, 31st Jan at 3.30pm. If you are unable to attend the drop-in session but would still like to discuss the trip then you are welcome to contact the school to arrange a phone call with Mr Allman after … Read more

Nursery admissions September 2024

Is your child  3 before 31st August 2024 ?? Then its time to apply for a Nursery place at Ysgol Acrefair.  ?From January 8, 2024 you can apply for a nursery school place for your child. Places are open to children who will have reached the age of three by August 31, 2024. You can apply online – … Read more

Diddy Dragons After School and Holiday Club

We now have a contact number for Diddy Dragons. This number will only be live during our opening hours; 3.15pm to 5.30pm for After School Club and 8.00am to 5.30pm for Holiday Club.  The number is as follows:  07518 296660.  This number is ONLY for emergencies and is NOT for booking your children into Club. … Read more

Super Snack Shop

Healthy snacks will still be available for children in Years 3-6 this half term. The cost has been reduced to £1.50 per week and should be paid on a Monday morning where possible please.  Many thanks

Blwyddyn newydd dda – Happy new year

? We are all looking forward to welcoming everyone back to school  tomorrow and hope you have all had a lovely Christmas.  Unfortunately, we have had some very sad news over the holidays that I wanted to share with you all. Tragucally, Mr Beckett passed away last week. John was a well-loved colleague and friend  … Read more

Our final newsletter of 2023!

Thank you to everyone for your continued support this term.  We hope that you will enjoy reading about a busy two weeks leading up to the end of term.  We wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year.  Wednesday-20th-December-Newsletter.pdf

Last minute reminder!

Just a quick reminder that we are celebrating the final day of term today and are having a disco day!  We would welcome a donation of £1 per child.  It’s party day in the kitchen aswell, Aime has lots of party boxes for the children.

Nightingale House Hospice

The charity are calling in Wednesday morning to collect sponsor money.  If anyone still has any forms or donations please can it be sent in tomorrow.   The Hospice provides palliative care services for those with life-limiting illnesses and they can only continue doing this with the help of the community through donations. Thank you so … Read more