Online gaming safety from North Wales Police


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North Wales campaign highlights online gaming safety / Ymgyrch yng Ngogledd Cymru yn amlygu diogelwch chwarae gemau ar-lein.

This March, North Wales Police’s Cyber Crime Team and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner are joining with online safety experts, Get Safe Online to highlight some of the threats of online gaming – and how children and young people can game safely. Get Safe Online is a leading source of unbiased, factual and easy-to-understand information on online safety in the UK.


One of the most popular online pastimes for children, online gaming has both positive and negative aspects. The benefits of gaming can range from developing qualities such as strategic thinking, rationalising, problem solving and persistence to supporting development of a wide range of cognitive and motor skills. What’s more it can encourage creativity while socialising, albeit virtually, with friends. 


Risks to children who play games online arise largely from the vast number of people both in the UK and abroad who are also playing, the minimal restrictions and the fact that they are not playing face-to-face.


PC Dewi Owen from North Wales Police’s Cyber Crime Team said: “For lots of children and youngsters gaming is often a very important part of their lives and they enjoy the community aspect of it. It’s an opportunity to socialise, have fun and be creative. Gaming communities are often positive spaces for youngsters to discuss shared passions and interests.

However, being part of such online communities can sometimes expose youngsters to bullying, inappropriate content or comments or risks associated with stranger contact. It’s important parents or guardians show an interest in their gaming and have open conversations to find out who they are gaming with online, who they’re communicating with and what they’re discussing. It’s important that youngsters understand that not everyone online is who they say they are. Consider setting up parent accounts or parental controls on games consoles to mitigate some of the risks and make sure that youngsters have a list of trusted adults that they can speak to if something worries or upsets them when gaming. It’s also important to help youngsters to understand the benefits of taking regular breaks from gaming and consider setting healthy screen time limits.”


Tony Neate, CEO at Get Safe Online commented: “Many children enjoy the benefits of gaming, but it is important that they do so safely, securely and with confidence. This month’s campaign highlights some expert advice that parents can use when their kids are gaming on the internet. If you have children gaming in your household, I recommend that you take a look.” 


North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Andy Dunbobbin said: “As a father I know how much enjoyment young people get out of online gaming. It’s a pastime that can help them gain new skills, make new friends and, most importantly, have fun. But it also contains risks, and all parents should be aware of the potential dangers of their children speaking to unknown people, spending money online unchecked, or viewing inappropriate content. As Police and Crime Commissioner, I have made safeguarding vulnerable people and tackling cyber crime key parts of my plan to fight crime in region, and I am pleased that we are raising awareness of online gaming over the course of the month with our partners in the Police and Get Safe Online.”


Tips for safety while gaming online

It’s very important to work with your child to find the best games for their age, interests and personality, and additionally:

• Check PEGI (Pan European Game Information) age ratings of games to ensure your children aren’t accessing inappropriate content.

• Join your child in online gaming from time to time and randomly. This will give you an idea of the games they’re playing and who they connect with.

• Have open and honest conversations with your child about their online gaming and the risks involved including stranger danger, bullying and oversharing. Tell them that not everybody they meet on gaming platforms and forums is who they claim to be.

• Set and monitor limits for the amount of daily or weekly time your children spend online gaming.

• You could pre-load some spending money on to their game, but be clear that when it’s gone, it’s gone, and stick to it.

• Don’t give your child access to your payment card details as extras can be very costly.

• Impress upon your child that they can come to you or another responsible adult with any concerns. Depending on their age, you could also discuss how to report issues to the gaming platform and/or the police.


For free, practical advice on staying safe online visit


Ym mis Mawrth, mae Tîm Troseddau Seiber Heddlu Gogledd Cymru a Swyddfa’r Comisiynydd Heddlu a Throsedd yn ymuno hefo arbenigwyr diogelwch ar-lein sef Get Safe Online er mwyn amlygu rhai o fygythiadau chwarae gemau ar-lein – a sut y gall plant a phobl ifanc chwarae gemau’n saff. Mae Get Safe Online yn brif ffynhonnell gwybodaeth deg, ffeithiol a hygyrch ar ddiogelwch ar-lein yn y DU.


Yn un o’r difyrion ar-lein mwyaf poblogaidd i blant, mae chwarae gemau ar-lein hefo agweddau cadarnhaol a negyddol. Gall manteision chwarae gemau fynd o ddatblygu rhinweddau fel meddwl strategol, rhesymoli, datrys problemau a pharhau i helpu datblygu ystod eang o sgiliau gwybyddol a gweithredol. Mae hefyd yn annog creadigrwydd wrth gymdeithasu, er yn rhithiol, hefo ffrindiau.  


Mae risgiau i blant sy’n chwarae gemau ar-lein yn codi o’r nifer helaeth o bobl yn y DU a thramor sydd hefyd yn chwarae, y cyfyngiadau lleiaf a’r ffaith nad ydyn nhw’n chwarae wyneb yn wyneb.


Dywedodd PC Dewi Owen o Dîm Troseddau Seiber Heddlu Gogledd Cymru: “I lawer o blant a phobl ifanc, mae chwarae gemau’n aml yn rhan hynod bwysig o’u bywydau ac maen nhw’n mwynhau’r agwedd gymunedol o chwarae. Mae’n gyfle i gymdeithasu, cael hwyl a bod yn greadigol. Mae cymunedau chwarae gemau yn aml yn fannau cadarnhaol i bobl ifanc drafod angerdd a diddordebau a rennir.

Fodd bynnag, gall bod yn rhan o gymuned ar-lein tebyg weithiau ddatgelu pobl ifanc i fwlio, cynnwys neu sylwadau amhriodol neu risgiau cysylltiedig hefo cyswllt hefo dieithriaid. Mae’n bwysig fod rhieni a gwarcheidwaid yn dangos diddordeb yn eu chwarae gemau a hefo sgyrsiau agored er mwyn canfod hefo pwy maen nhw’n chwarae gemau ar-lein, hefo pwy maen nhw’n cyfathrebu a’r hyn maen nhw’n drafod. 

Mae’n bwysig bod pobl ifanc yn deall nad ydy pawb ar-lein yr hyn maen nhw’n ei ddweud.  Ystyriwch sefydlu cyfrifon rhieni neu reolaethau rhieni ar gonsolau gemau er mwyn lliniaru rhai o’r risgiau a sicrhau bod gan bobl ifanc restr o oedolion dibynadwy gallan nhw siarad hefo nhw os ydy rhywbeth yn eu poeni neu’n eu cynhyrfu nhw wrth chwarae gemau. Mae hefyd yn bwysig helpu pobl ifanc ddeall manteision cymryd seibiannau rheolaidd o chwarae gemau ac ystyried gosod cyfyngiadau amser sgrin iach.”


Dywedodd Tony Neate, Prif Swyddog Gweithredol Get Safe Online: “Mae llawer o blant yn mwynhau manteision chwarae gemau, ond mae’n bwysig eu bod nhw’n gwneud yn saff ac yn hyderus. Mae ymgyrch y mis hwn yn amlygu cyngor arbenigol y gall rhieni eu defnyddio pan mae eu plant yn chwarae gemau ar y rhyngrwyd. Os oes gennych blant yn chwarae gemau yn eich cartref, dwi’n argymell eich bod yn edrych. Gallwch ddarganfod llawer mwy ar” 


Dywedodd Andy Dunbobbin, Comisiynydd Heddlu a Throsedd Gogledd Cymru: “Fel tad, dwi’n gwybod faint mae pobl ifanc yn cael cymaint o chwarae gemau ar-lein. Mae’n ddifyrrwch sy’n gallu eu helpu nhw fagu sgiliau newydd, gwneud ffrindiau newydd, ac yn bwysicaf, cael hwyl. Ond mae hefyd yn cynnwys risgiau. Dylai pob rhiant fod yn ymwybodol o beryglon posibl eu plant yn siarad efo pobl anhysbys, yn gwario arian ar-lein heb neb yn cadw llygad, neu’n gweld cynnwys amhriodol. Fel Comisiynydd Heddlu a Throsedd, dwi wedi gwneud diogelu pobl fregus a thaclo rhannau allweddol troseddau seiber yn rhannau allweddol o’m cynllun i er mwyn trechu trosedd yn y rhanbarth. Dwi’n falch ein bod ni’n codi ymwybyddiaeth am gemau ar-lein dros y mis hefo’n partneriaid yn yr heddlu a Get Safe Online.”


Cynghorion diogelwch wrth chwarae gemau ar-lein

Mae’n hynod bwysig gweithio hefo’ch plentyn er mwyn dod o hyd i’r gemau gorau ar gyfer eu hoedran, diddordebau a’u personoliaeth nhw, ac ar ben hyn:

Gwirio oedrannau PEGI (Gwybodaeth Gemau Tros Ewropeaidd) gemau er mwyn gwneud yn si?r nad ydy eich plant yn cael mynediad i gynnwys amhriodol.Ymunwch hefo’ch plentyn mewn chwarae gemau ar-lein o dro i dro ac ar hap. Bydd hyn yn rhoi syniad i chi am y gemau maen nhw’n ei chwarae a hefo pwy gallan nhw gysylltu.Cael sgyrsiau agored ac onest hefo’ch plentyn am chwarae gemau ar-lein a’r risgiau sydd ynghlwm gan gynnwys peryglon pobl ddieithr, bwlio a gor-rannu. Dywedwch wrthyn nhw nad ydy pawb maen nhw’n ei gyfarfod ar lwyfannau a fforymau chwarae gemau y maen nhw’n honni bod. Gosod a monitro cyfyngiadau amser dyddiol neu wythnosol mae eich plant yn treulio’n chwarae gemau ar-lein.Gallwch lwytho arian gwario ar eu gêm o flaen llaw, ond byddwch yn glir pan mae wedi mynd, mae wedi mynd, a glynu at hynny.Peidiwch â rhoi mynediad i’ch plentyn i fanylion eich cerdyn talu gan fod ychwanegion yn gallu bod yn ddrud iawn.Siarsiwch eich plentyn eu bod nhw’n gallu dod atoch chi neu oedolyn cyfrifol arall hefo unrhyw bryderon. Gan ddibynnu ar eu hoedran nhw, gallech hefyd drafod sut i riportio materion i’r llwyfan gemau a/neu’r heddlu.

Am gyngor am ddim ac ymarferol ar gadw’n saff ar-lein, ewch ar



Message Sent By
Dewi Owen

(North Wales Police, Cyber Crime Officer, North Wales)

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