No Year 5/6 football. Booking form for year 3 and 4 football.

There will be no more year 5 / 6 after school football this year.
Mr Allman will be running a short 5 or 6 week football club for year 3 and 4 pupils after school, starting on Wednesday, April 17th (it may not be Wednesday every week). The club will run from 3:15 to 4:15 and will take place on the school field. Children will need to bring a change of clothes to change into after school and bring football boots or old trainers to wear on the field. Please be aware that children must be on their best behaviour when up on the field and if they are not able to be responsible, then they may not be invited back for the following. Please can children be picked up at 4:15 from the year 5 / 6 cloakroom exit. 

To ensure your child’s place, please can you complete the quick form below.


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