Concert tickets

Good morning!  We have a very busy week lined up, starting with our concert for Year 1 & 2 this afternoon and this evening.  
We have completely sold out of tickets including those for Reception & Nursery’s performances on Wednesday.  If you have a ticket that you won’t be using please log into the ticket you were sent via email and cancel so it can then be released to another family that may be on the waiting list.   Or you can call the office and Mrs Antrobus will cancel it for you.
Don’t forget to bring £2 to pay for each ticket – it would really help us if you have the correct change.  We’ll be having a raffle at each performance and have some lovely prizes to win.  Tickets are £1 each.  All money raised at our concerts and raffles will go straight back to funds for the children to decide how they would like to spend it in the new year.