Concert tickets – Nursery to Year 2

Good afternoon!  This week leads us into December so it’s a good time to let you know about our Christmas Concerts that we are busy rehearsing for.  We are using a different format this year to move away from paper tickets being handed out and money coming into classes, fingers (and toes) crossed that it all works smoothly!  Ticket sales open this Wednesday, 29th November at 10am and will close on 7th December when any spares will be put back on for sale.
Here’s what you need to do:
1.????Select the concert you want to book tickets for.  There is a limit of 2 tickets per family for each performance due to the hall size.  Once everybody has ordered their tickets, we will open up a waiting list option on Eventbrite should you require any more tickets.
2.????Keep your ticket with the QR showing when you attend the concert.  We have a handheld reader that we will scan when you arrive, which will help us with the number of visitors in the school should there be an emergency evacuation.  You can have the QR ready on your mobile phone/device or printed out onto paper.
3.????Payment of £2 per ticket will be payable at the door when you arrive for the concert.  It would be really helpful if you could have the correct change.
4.????We will be selling raffle tickets and have some fantastic prizes so some extra coins would be useful if you want to take part.
5.????Here are the performances for you to choose from:

Please contact Mrs Antrobus if you’re struggling with the new system.
Our junior classes will be performing their Christmas Concert on Monday 18th December at 5.30pm at St Mary’s Church in Ruabon.  Doors open at 5pm.  Tickets are not required for this event.  All are welcome, not just our junior families.